Resolve Method (Recipients Collection) 

The Resolve method searches the Recipients collection to resolve names.


objRecipColl.Resolve( [ showDialog ] )



Required. The Recipients collection object.


Optional. Boolean. If True (the default value), displays a dialog box to prompt the user to resolve ambiguous names.



Calling the Recipients collection s Resolve method is similar to calling the Resolve method for each Recipient object in the collection; any ambiguous addresses are resolved as unambiguous addresses. However, calling the Resolve method on the Recipients collection also forces an update to the Count and Item properties and to all Recipient objects in the collection. Any Recipient variable previously set to an object in the collection is invalidated by the Resolve call and should be retrieved again from the collection.

The Resolve method of the Recipient object itself does not invalidate the object. For more information about the individual Resolve operation, see the reference documentation for the Recipient object s Resolve method.

The following methods can also invoke MAPI dialog boxes: Delete and Details methods (AddressEntry object), Options and Send methods (Message object), Resolve method (Recipient object), AddressBook and Logon methods (Session object).


' from the sample function Util_NewConversation

'   create a valid new message object in the Outbox

    With objNewMsg

        .Subject = "used space vehicle wanted"

        ' ... set other properties here...

        Set objOneRecip = .Recipients.Add(Name:="Car Ads", Type:=mapiTo)

        If objOneRecip Is Nothing Then

            MsgBox "Unable to create the public folder recipient"

            Exit Function

        End If


    End With


See Also

Resolve, Method (Recipient Object)

Resolved Property (Recipients Collection)AJHMDI